Contact Info
Kyle Rakoczy
P. 970.673.2406
Heather Cullup
P. 970.473.5925
Email: townofnunn.publicworks@ezlink.com
The Town of Nunn Public Works Department works to advance the quality of life and living in our community by maintaining essential services and public areas. Public Works strives to work together to provide excellent customer service and safety to the residents of Nunn. The primary function of the department is to maintain the town infrastructure systems including water, streets, drainage, public buildings and other facilities. Some of the things you will see these employees do include:
- Operations at the Water Tower
- Facilities maintenance
- Snow removal
- Street projects and maintenance
- Signs
- Fleet maintenance
- Water line responsibilities
- Water meter reading
- Parks maintenance
- Storm clean-up
Snow and Ice Control
Snow removal is a big job in Colorado and our Public Works Department handles it strategically.
- Tier 1: Emergency routes and major arterials used by emergency services. Tier 1 is the priority for town plow drivers.
- Tier 2: Connectors (roads that connect local roads and streets with arterials) and the designated in and out route through each neighborhood.
- Tier 3: Residential streets will be plowed at the discretion of the Public Works Department, and after Tier 1 and Tier 2 routes are safe and completed. Tier 3 will be only one or two passes depending on the overall width of the streets.
Street projects and maintenance
Nunn has 24.28 lane miles of gravel and paved roads. Keeping town streets in good condition is important to your Public Works Department. We as a department drive the roads daily looking for issues and try to address them in a timely manner. While we would enjoy blading roads daily, this would also destroy the gravel and create a worse surface in the long run.
Your Public Works Department strives to keep the streets well marked with signage. We work closely with the Town Board, Police Department and Weld County to make sure appropriate signs are in place to help create a safe and compliant environment for everyone.
Nunn has 6.77 miles of buried water lines (ranging from 12' to 3/4"), 238 water taps, 80 buried main valves, and 45 hydrants that the Public Works Department helps to maintain. We also have 2 water towers that get daily attention.
The old water tower holds 50,000 gallons and was constructed in 1921. It supplied the people of Nunn with water until 2010 when it was decommissioned, and a new water tower was built. Rest assured it is not going to waste! Nunn's iconic water tower is still being used to help the town to this day. It holds non-potable water from a town well and the water is used to water the town park, trees and water the roads to help with dust control.
The new water tower was constructed in 2012 and is the primary source of the town's water pressure and storage.